One other thing...  I am including both "camel-rest-openapi-starter" and
"camel-openapi-java-starter" because I am not sure how to tell the
difference between the two starter libs.  If I get into a situation where
something seems like it should work, but doesn't work, I try one or the
other starter to see if there is a difference in the outcome.  So far, I
have not noticed anything different between either of them in how my app
behaves, so I'm not sure.  Also, what different functionality does the
swagger starter bring that is different from the other two aforementioned
starters?  I always like the Camel documentation, but in this case, I
haven't found higher-level documentation that discusses the use of REST
with Camel, and shows use cases where you might choose one
library/component over another.  If something like that would be welcome
and appropriate, I would not mind contributing once I gain better

On Sat, Oct 9, 2021 at 7:36 AM Steve973 <> wrote:

> Hi, Claus.  Thank you for the reply!  You can find springdoc here:
> and I moved my project from using springfox
> because springfox has only one developer, and springdoc is maintained by a
> community.  The artifact that I am using is
> "org.springdoc:springdoc-openapi-ui:1.5.11".  I am using Spring Boot 2.5.5,
> and Camel 3.12.0.  So that you can also see what I am doing, in case I am
> doing something that is prohibiting the Camel OpenAPI functionality from
> working correctly, I pushed my example to Github:
> where I am
> trying out a minimal example just to see if I can get it working.  Thanks
> again!
> Steve
> On Sat, Oct 9, 2021 at 3:23 AM Claus Ibsen <> wrote:
>> Hi
>> I have not tried that myself, can you maybe point links to where this
>> spring ui exists?
>> And what version of SB and Camel are you using?
>> On Sat, Oct 9, 2021 at 12:37 AM Steve973 <> wrote:
>> >
>> > Hello.  I am using spring boot with the camel rest dsl and it is working
>> > great.  I can also have swagger JSON generated and accessible.  But I
>> would
>> > like to use the springdoc openapi user interface to interact with my
>> rest
>> > endpoints.  I have tried for hours, and I have not been able to get the
>> UI
>> > to come up.  Does anyone know if it is possible to use camel-rest and
>> the
>> > springdoc openapi user interface together?
>> --
>> Claus Ibsen
>> -----------------
>> @davsclaus
>> Camel in Action 2:

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