Thank you Rafael.
Now we have an additional VHD image available.
Because i'm already using Carloses solution which works nicely (even has cloud init scripts), i'm not going to test yours. I would suggest you gzip it before sharing next time. It will be much smaller.

I'm also thinking about setting up public free repository for templates, now that i have a few.
Will open a new mail thread on developers forum for that.


On 10/9/13 1:37 AM, Rafael Weingartner wrote:
Guys, I am following this discussion for a while.

And googling about the idea of converting a HVM template to PV, I found out
that it is an error prone task and the best thing to do is to create a PV
VM and then a template that is based on a PV image.

So, I did it,

I do not actually know if I can do this, but I would like to share it with
you. The Template has already the password script that CS need to change a
user password trough the interface (I configured the root user).

Ubuntu 12.04.03 LTS 64 bits, you just need to download it and add to the CS
as a template, do not forget to select the Other PV 64 bits on the OS type
selection box and enable the password reset function, so when you create a
VM it will create a password to the root user.

2013/9/9 France <>

Regarding, which requires XenServer with NFS SR.
Doesn't basically create a RAW image?
If so, it could be converted to VHD using vhd-util:**10/04/convert-a-raw-image-to-**
What do you think?


On 7/9/13 4:17 AM, Carlos Reategui wrote:

Hi France
I made some last minute adjustments so the script may have some issues
but hopefully should be straight forward enough.  If not let me know.

You will need to include the xe-guest-utilities_6.0.2-766_**amd64.deb in
the directory from the XenServer tools install iso.  I could not find a
place to download it from.

You should run the script on an ubuntu 12.04
machine for best results and make sure the directory it runs in has plenty
of room 10+G.

Once it creates the ubuntu-12.04.3-server-**cloudimg-amd64.fs file you
will need to move that file to a XenServer host to run the

Let me know how it goes.**CloudStackImageScripts<>

Actually I am having trouble pushing my files... I'll email them to you
later tonight.  I have to leave the office now...


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