Thank you all for your responses.

After refering logs and logging into console through virsh, seen that there
is no link-local ip even though the link ip address is listed in web
console. there is only configure in ssvm.  So where i'm missing.

I'm using basic network, no vlans. only one subnet. Also pls note I skipped
totally " Configuring the network bridges" from the installation
guide for kvm hypervisor. But cloudstack itself has created cloud0,
cloudbr0 and vnet interfaces.


On Thu, Oct 17, 2013 at 12:48 AM, Nitin Mehta <>wrote:

> Did you reboot the SSVM as well ? You might have to do this to take into
> affect. Let me know if that resolves it for you.
> On 16/10/13 6:22 AM, "raj kumar" <> wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >while registering iso, registration is successful, but it is not ready for
> >use. after 20 to 30sec, it vanishes.  I've added the http server in global
> >settings secstorage.allowed.internal.sites. still no luck.
> >
> >both secodary and console system vms are running.

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