I recently upgraded to 4.4.1 and overall upgrade is easy but I dont think you 
can upgrade it with such a simple command since it involves intalling 
(preseeding) sys template and manually changing settings from mysql tables to 
reflect this change. If your distro is repo based, you manually need to change 
setting from 4.3 to 4.4 in your cloudstack repo file  and also 4.4 upgrades 
your java to 1.7 and I think they fixed few major bugs recently and sys 
template is upgraded to 64 bit if I m not mistaken (with debian 7 I believe). 
Most problems are resolved with 4.4.1 update and on our system with xenserver 
working fine. If you are using it in production env. then I would wait couple 
of months to upgrade to 4.4.1 and this version is more sophisticated then 
previous versions. It seems to be more complete,predictable and more robust and 
I really appriciate for those new features and bug fixes. I would suggest 
reading documentation for 4.4 upgrade depending on your version so there are 
some few things you have to complete "before" upgrading to 4.4.1...


Sent from my iPhone

> On Oct 3, 2014, at 3:50 PM, "motty cruz" <motty.c...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have a testing cluster running 4.4.1 with NFS as primary and secondary
> storage working perfectly, I would like to upgrade my production cluster to
> ACS 4.4.1 from ACS 4.4, can I stop all services and run the "cloudstack
> upgrade" command ? is it that simple?
> -- 
> Thanks for your support,
> Motty

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