Thanks Sam,

my management server are CentOS 6.5, XenServer 6.2. running ACS 4.4
currently I am having issues with templates for Windows Server 2012 R2.
that is the reason why I am to upgrade to 4.4.1. do you mind pointing to
the steps you taken to upgrade from 4.4 to 4.4.1?


On Fri, Oct 3, 2014 at 2:13 PM, Sam Ceylani <
> wrote:

> I recently upgraded to 4.4.1 and overall upgrade is easy but I dont think
> you can upgrade it with such a simple command since it involves intalling
> (preseeding) sys template and manually changing settings from mysql tables
> to reflect this change. If your distro is repo based, you manually need to
> change setting from 4.3 to 4.4 in your cloudstack repo file  and also 4.4
> upgrades your java to 1.7 and I think they fixed few major bugs recently
> and sys template is upgraded to 64 bit if I m not mistaken (with debian 7 I
> believe). Most problems are resolved with 4.4.1 update and on our system
> with xenserver working fine. If you are using it in production env. then I
> would wait couple of months to upgrade to 4.4.1 and this version is more
> sophisticated then previous versions. It seems to be more
> complete,predictable and more robust and I really appriciate for those new
> features and bug fixes. I would suggest reading documentation for 4.4
> upgrade depending on your version so there are some few things you have to
> complete "before" upgrading to 4.4.1...
> sam
> Sent from my iPhone
> > On Oct 3, 2014, at 3:50 PM, "motty cruz" <> wrote:
> >
> > I have a testing cluster running 4.4.1 with NFS as primary and secondary
> > storage working perfectly, I would like to upgrade my production cluster
> to
> > ACS 4.4.1 from ACS 4.4, can I stop all services and run the "cloudstack
> > upgrade" command ? is it that simple?
> >
> > --
> > Thanks for your support,
> > Motty

Thanks for your support,

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