GitHub user 0xdddddddd added a comment to the discussion: add hosts fail

> > Cloudstack agent has been successfully added, but it is always in an 
> > initialized state. Because I am testing cloudstack in a virtual machine, 
> > which belongs to nested virtualization. Cloudstack was executing LSCPU 
> > related instructions and attempted to obtain CPU related information, but 
> > failed. Causing the cloudstack agent to remain in the initialization phase 
> > forever. Ultimately, the storage function could not be added properly.
> > [agent.log](
> agent.log looks ok, although there are some errors.
> is the host Up ? check Infrastructure -> Hosts

No, I don't know where the mistake was, I feel like there's still a long way to 
The main issue is the lack of some components, but I don't know what they are.

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