Joerg Heinicke wrote:

Geoff Howard wrote:

Joerg Heinicke wrote:

Geoff Howard wrote:


That's the one. You can also set that property in the project directly.

I have tried both

in and

<target name="properties" if="eclipse.running">
<property name="build.compiler" value="org.eclipse.jdt.core.JDTCompilerAdapter"/>


[xpatch] BUILD FAILED: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No attributes are implemented

Don't know what I'm doing wrong.

Hmmm. I think that's a different error than if you don't have the property set at all.

There is no difference between having the property set or not.

Ok, I've just confirmed -- if you get rid of both of those properties (at least on my version of eclipse which is using 1.5.2) you do get a different error about the compiler version.

I have never gotten (or tried very hard) the full _cocoon_ build running within eclipse.

I simply tried it because of this thread. I didn't expect it to work.


I have four or five other eclipse projects where ant works fine with that property set. I'll dig in a little more. If you get rid of the property do you get the error about the compiler (I forget what it says)?

As mentioned above. Echoing it immediately before the failure returns the property value 'modern' set in

I get the expected org.eclipse.jdt.core.JDTCompilerAdapter at least when setting it in the ant properties screen in eclipse.

The error you mention above does look familiar and I'm suspicious it has to do with ant revision level. IIRC eclipse comes with a lower version than Cocoon and we may need it - possibly for the custom task xpatch which is mentioned there.

Only since Antonio's update to 1.5.4, Eclipse comes with 1.5.3 (at least my 2.1.1). I have changed the classpath for the Ant task to Cocoon's 1.5.4 (which is then also mentioned on the Eclipse console: "Building with Apache Ant version 1.5.4 compiled on August 12 2003") and added D:\cocoon-2.1\tools\anttasks to the classpath for Cocoon's Ant tasks.

Ok, I stand corrected but...

I now think this has to do with the endorsed dir or is at least limited to the xpatch task itself. If you comment out the xpatch command in compile-deprecated things sail along swimmingly until the end when the next call to xpatch happens. Even all the xsl transforms for the blocks build seem to work, though I didn't do build clean first. I tried setting another property in the ant dialog for java.endorsed.dirs but that had no effect.

Anyone have an idea? How can I modify the xpatch code to spit out debug info about what version of the xml endorsed dirs it gets?


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