[I don't want to barge in on things here or step on anybody's toes. My
intention is only to get some direction so I can help contribute to the
Cocoon documentation. Although I am a relative newbie any my Cocoon skills
are 1/1000th of the vets lingering around on this list, I think that's
exactly what qualifies me to help contribute to the user documentation.]

The first thing that we need to decide on is: do we aim for a unified
approach, or should the platform continue to be a testing ground? Or rather,
what is the "face" of Cocoon that we want to show to its users?

There are good arguments for either case, but until we decide on which path
to take, it is difficult to get started with any useful tutorial or other
that explains how to program biz logic in Cocoon.

In my view, regardless of what's happening internally, the user doc should
show a simple and unified approach to using Cocoon. Otherwise, it's just too
long and difficult to get a real project up and running, especially for the
non-seasoned developer. Anything else can (and should) be reserved for more
advanced users.

If there's anything I learned in the commercial world, it's that the message
must be simple and easily understood, even if it's not perfect from a
theoretical standpoint. I therefore strongly suggest orienting user
documentation with simplicity and user centricity in mind.

However, we still need to reach consensus on what such a unified
approach(es) should be.

I would like to take a poll (probably the first of many):


 [  ]  A. I think that we should show users the "best" way
          to get up and running with Cocoon.

 [  ]  B. I think that we should show users all the options
          possible and let them decide the best approach.

 [  ]  C. Yeah, whatever. Either way is good for me.
          Peace, man!

Poll results so far:

  A. - 1
  B. - 0
  C. - 0


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