Nacho Jimenez wrote:

Other than the CPA, we would show other options. For example, if a newbie
were reading up on JXTemplates, rather than saying that you can use Jexl or
JXPath, we would choose our CPA (for example, JXPath), but have a link to a
homologous page that explains the same things, but for Jexl. This would
reduce one more variable, and thus one more possible source of delay or
confusion to a newbie. So new users will be able to get up and running much
faster, and once they have more experience, will be able to go over the
alternative approaches.

This is just an example of what I think we should avoid... The average user does not give a shiling about JXTemplates, JXPath, JEXL or whatever load of letters we decide to acronymize today.

The user wants to know how can he set up his ubercool website accessing XML documents and SQL data with the mimimum of fuss, and hence, the document he is looking for is a step by step guide to do that.

In one of those steps, he's shown how to get a needed parameter from the context, using our recommended method (JXTemplateTransformer, through a JXPath expression). There, on a side note, you can have an overview on what JXTemplateTranformer is, why is it our preferred method to access the parameter he needs and wich alternatives he could use, and pointers to the wikiPages of the related tecnologies for a deeper study if he needs it.

I have to disagree a bit here....

When I started with cocoon, I wanted to load a simple result set from a database into an xml file and transform it. simple enough. I wanted to use jxtemplate .. it was what everyone suggested. but no one it seemed, could tell me why both ${var} and #{var} both worked.. and in fact in my use case, one didn't. So I was faced with learning 2 expression syntaxes, with a deadline facing me. This was a week long agony for me and I ended up using xsp because there was a n00b tutorial up and I could make it work. Now, most of my stuff is based on xsp for the datbase queries. I have moved into other advancements since then like woody and flow, but now I have to look at refactoring from xsp if I want to keep up with cocoon develpment. ( Don't get me wrong here, basically xsp exists to use esql in my mind.. the rumblings of change there are a good idea )


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