Right, I'm trying to use Javaflow (i.e. not javascript). Did you have to make any WL specific configuration changes in the console or in weblogic.xml? I assume you are using the ParanoidCocoonServlet? Is your .war exploded?


Ralph Goers wrote:

I'm trying to get javaflow from Cocoon working Weblogic 8.1sp2 with the application deployed as a .war file (i.e. not exploded) without much luck. I tweaked the ParanoidCocoonServlet so that it is loading jars out of /WEB-INF/lib/ (easy to do, but you need to use the Servlet 2.3 jar, not the 2.2 jar that Cocoon normally builds against).

I see posts out there on the cocoon-users list indicating that people have approximately this config working...?

I seem to be bumping into an initialization problem with the JavaInterpreter. It's calling ContinuationClassLoader.initialize(), which then throws a java.lang.NoSuchMethodError when trying to do Repository.setRepository() (that's in the BCEL jar).

Ideas, prayers and samples from working configurations would be greatly appreciated ;)


Weblogic.jar has its own versions of Rhino and BCEL in it. You can try to get the Cocoon versions to supercede them but then you might run into failures in other parts of Weblogic. We switch to Java flow just because of this.


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