Christoph Hermann wrote:

Am Sonntag, 2. Oktober 2005 21:04 schrieb Sandor Spruit:

Don't know about the best way, but I had a similar problem recently:
I wanted to apply a transformation to specific elements, pointed to by
an XPath expression. The basic problem was that XSLT will not allow
a variable where it expects an XPath, i.e. xsl:template match="$xpath".

One of our students came up with this idea: create the *stylesheet* in a
separate (internal) Cocoon pipeline. Create a placeholder in your XSLT
where you'd normally insert an XPath expression, i.e. 'please-replace-me',
and define a variable for this stylesheet. Write a simple stylesheet to
copy the "stylesheet" template, but replacing the placeholder with your

Use the result of this pipeline ('a dynamic stylesheet') from your regular
Cocoon pipeline using the cocoon:/ pseudo-protocol.

Wouldn't it be _much_ easier to use xalan extensions for this purpose?

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
 <xsl:param name="parameter_xpath"/>
... select="xalan:evaluate($parameter_xpath)"

I was hoping for a reply like this - even though a dynamic stylesheet
seemed to be a smart move :) I'll give it a try this afternoon.


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