I've been trying to implement a jsr 168 portlet in cocoon and I've had a
hard time following the wiki at

I'm using cocoon v 2.1.9, tomcat v 5.5.23 and I've followed the wiki as
much as I could so far.  The problem I seem to be having is that cocoon
cannot find my portlet.  In the wiki it says: 

To integrate the portlet into the Cocoon sample site: 

*         copletdata/portal.xml: 

o        After the CocoonPortlet definition add: 


   <coplet-data id="RssPortlet" name="standard">
         <value xsi:type="java:java.lang.String"
         <value xsi:type="java:java.lang.Boolean"




If someone can I'd like more of an explination of what the portlet
attribute actually is and what it's looking for.  I think I've narrowed
the problem down to this for now and I'm stuck.

Please help, thanks.


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