I was pointed to the cocoon 2.2 trunk for an updated FOP serializer.
Downloaded snapshot.  Installed maven.  Have error:
Error building POM (may not be this project's POM).
Project ID: org.apache.cocoon:cocoon:pom:5-SNAPSHOT
Reason: Cannot find parent: org.apache:apache for project:
org.apache.cocoon:cocoon:pom:5-SNAPSHOT for project
Tried  > mvn clean install      - no help  
Found a thread on cocoon-dev with a reply from Jorg Heymans:  "well as it
says it cannot find the parent pom of our pom, chances are  
you've configured a mirror that doesn't have that pom.  A good thing to do
here is to check  manually if your repo actually has that file."
Sorry, I only downloaded maven today and the readme lets me believe it
should compile 'out out the box'.  What should I do, please?
Thanks in advance.
Robin Rigby
http://www.gondolier.org.uk <http://www.gondolier.org.uk/> 
07785 765017

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