IMHO, developers tend to mirror the general population in that the majority
follow the herd. The habits of imperative Java programming and the
not-invented-here syndrome meant that Cocoon was only ever going to appeal
to a minority of enlightened developers.

Maven is a head f&*ck for the average Joe and so perhaps Cocoon 2.2 is a
bridge too far. The paradigm shift to XML pipelines is enough to cope with.
I'm still working with 2.11 and it works fine for me.

2009/9/10 Ellis Pritchard <>

> Lamentable indeed.
> Having taken a break from Cocoon 2.1 at work, and returned to 2.2, after
> much pain and frustration at recreating what was in cocoon using 'pure' java
> and spring mvc + freemarker (urgh) + 1000's of lines of horrible java to do
> stuff cocoon did for free, I realize how much I miss the simple power of the
> platform. For XML content, there is simply nothing better.
> 2.2 really should have been finished: user docs, the halfway house between
> spring and Avalon, missing blocks (eventcache anyone?)... it's all so close
> and yet so far.
> I'd love to get involved in polishing this stuff, but I've never really
> been part of the 'community', just finding and reporting tricky defects!
> Is there any interest out there for futher work on 2.2?
> Ellis.
> On 10 Sep 2009, at 12:56, David Legg <> wrote:
>  Hi David,
>>  I'm just about to embark on a new project... I'd like to use Cocoon 2.2
>>> for this, but I'm concerned about the apparent lack of support for it.
>> It is true that Cocoon has hit a low point at the moment and I'm sure many
>> of us wonder if it will ever recover.  Many of the original contributors
>> have moved on to other things and officially version 2 (and 2.2) are in
>> 'maintenance mode'.  Version 3 is still being worked on but to be honest it
>> looks so different that you will be starting again from scratch compared to
>> version 2.
>> It's a great shame as I really thought version 2.2 was beginning to gain
>> traction.
>>  Can anyone suggest any resources that will help me get started with
>>> Cocoon 2.2?
>> I would archive that book on version 2!  It will be of little use to you
>> when working with 2.2.
>> Most of the useful documentation can be found here: -
>> But you should be aware that this is the 'published' version of the
>> documentation.  It may be the case that the 'unpublished' versions are more
>> up to date.  To get to them you can click on the link at the bottom of the
>> page where it mentions 'Errors and Improvements'.  This link will take you
>> to the Daisy CMS which is what Cocoon members use to write and edit
>> documentation before it gets published.
>> Yes!... It is a horrible mess and I have commented about this before but
>> was persuaded it was for the best.
>>  I'm concerned that interest in and support for Cocoon is dying out. Would
>>> I be better off choosing a completely different technology for my project?
>> I would say think seriously before you commit another year or two of your
>> life to learning it!
>> Regards,
>> David Legg
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