Thanks for everyone's responses.

I'm beginning to think that I should use Cocoon 2.0, because at least I know this is well documented. Which is a shame after people have put a lot of effort into developing versions 2.1 and 2.2 ...

David Legg wrote:
> Most of the useful documentation can be found here: -

Thanks, yes, I'd already looked at that. Its a handy starting point, but it really only scratches the surface.

> But you should be aware that this is the 'published' version of the
> documentation.  It may be the case that the 'unpublished' versions are
> more up to date.  To get to them you can click on the link at the bottom
> of the page where it mentions 'Errors and Improvements'.  This link will
> take you to the Daisy CMS which is what Cocoon members use to write and
> edit documentation before it gets published.

Thanks, I've taken a look. I can see that there's low level documentation there, but not much to give me an overview, put things into context, show how everything hangs together.

> I would say think seriously before you commit another year or two of
> your life to learning it!

Do you really think that's how long it takes to become proficient in using Cocoon?!

I was hoping to knock this off in a few weeks. Isn't that the point of application development frameworks like Cocoon - to make development times an order of magnitude faster?

David Beasley

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