On Thu September 17 2009 3:16:45 pm Jim Talbut wrote:
> Daniel Kulp wrote:
> > You could definitely do this.   In your application context, import META-
> > INF/cxf/cxf-extension-http-jetty.xml instead of the cxf-servlet.   Any
> > jaxws:endpoint things, use a full URL (http://blah:8081/Foo) or whatever
> > and CXF should bring up jetty on that port and put the endpoint there.
> Daniel,
> Thank you so very much, I've been banging my head against a brick wall
> all afternoon for that and what I was missing was the import.
> I'm still left with a web.xml that mentions CXF Servlet, when I tried
> removing that Tomcat got upset because there was nothing to load - is
> that OK in there?

I would SUGGEST writing your own simple "do nothing" servlet or similar.   The 
CXF servlet may try to replace the http transport in the bus with itself at 
init time.  You don't want that to happen.


> For the other suggestions:
> We don't have any WebSphere, or other IBM code, in our place at the
> moment and I'd rather keep to things we do have (I'm trying to make this
> simple!).
> I don't like servicemix (or JBI in general) because of the complexity of
> the number of separate projects that need to be hung together (even two
> is too many, I need simple) - I haven't tried 4, and would rather not
> until it's proved itself, but OSGi may be easier to work with than JBI.
> Thanks for the suggestions though.
> Jim

Daniel Kulp

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