
If I put property checkFaults="false" (in sringframework application
context file), only SoapFault Messages runs as expected.
My service return a Response object. The service response is 200 (OK), send
me a Response (I see it, in the server-log), my client obtain a Response
object but, all atributes to null.

I trace until to SoapHeaderInterceptor.handleMessage(Message m). This
methods contains:
    public void handleMessage(Message m) throws Fault {
        SoapMessage message = (SoapMessage) m;
        SoapVersion soapVersion = message.getVersion();
        Exchange exchange = message.getExchange();

        MessageContentsList parameters =

When checkFaults="true", the var parameters(MessageContentsList) has a List
[size=1] with Response object and atributes with some values.
When checkFaults="false", the var parameters(MessageContentsList) has a
List [size=1] with Response object and atributes to NULL.

I thought it was a problem with springframework, but now i don´t now.
can anybody help me?

Thanks in advance

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