
I've added

<extraarg>-xjc-episode sun-jaxb.episode</extraarg>

to systests/jaxrs/pom.xml wadl resource build and I'm seeing

[INFO] --- cxf-wadl2java-plugin:3.2.0-SNAPSHOT:wadl2java (generate-sources) @ cxf-systests-jaxrs --- wadl2java -d /home/sberyozkin/work/apache/cxf/master/systests/jaxrs/target/generated/src/main/java -p org.apache.cxf.systest.jaxrs.codegen.service -sp http://superbooks=org.apache.cxf.systest.jaxrs.codegen.schema -impl -xjc-episode sun-jaxb.episode -verbose file:/home/sberyozkin/work/apache/cxf/master/systests/jaxrs/src/test/resources/wadl/bookstoreImport.xml

and then

Caused by: com.sun.tools.xjc.BadCommandLineException: unrecognized parameter -episode sun-jaxb.episode
        at com.sun.tools.xjc.Options.parseArguments(Options.java:814)

The exception is coming from com.sun.tools.xjc.
Also extended the test locally and seeing in a debug mode that "-episode sun-jaxb.episode" is passed to XJC.

I'm really not sure why '-verbose' (or rather the next etraarg) is not recognized in your case, it may be something to do with some extra space/etc characters confusing the options parser.

If you can create a Maven test project reproducing this failure then I will have another look into it

Re the episode containing no schema locations - have a look at the comment at CXF-5647, I pasted there a quote from Oracle docs where it is obvious having these missing attributes is a 'must'. I'm honestly not sure what WADLToJava can do to have those extra bindings applied properly if there's no link between such bindings and the schemas they are supposed to affect, given that WADL may have many schemas...

Cheers, Sergey

On 19/11/15 07:15, Vjacheslav V. Borisov wrote:
i have tried all separators
<extraarg>-xjc-episode sun-jaxb.episode</extraarg>

all of them issues same error "unrecognized parameter"

There is also another case, I have generated episode file by
but  generated episode file is unacceptable by wadl2java, becouse it
contains bindings from different schemas and not contain schemaLocation=
node= attributes..
(same error as in bug https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CXF-5647
Error compiling schema from WADL ... is not a part of this compilation)

As workaround I have created simple xslt file to convert generated
eposide file to "tMap" options for wadl2 java and disabled schema
generation (|-noTypes)
|this is not very nice, becouse it needs separate step to convert and
alter pom in case of new types added.

|Should I create bug to address this issue with inability to generate /
use episode file using wadl2java?

2015-11-18 20:23 GMT+04:00 Sergey Beryozkin <sberyoz...@gmail.com


    I wonder if you should do

    <extraarg>-xjc-episode sun-jaxb.episode</extraarg>

    something like that, try it please


    On 18/11/15 13:52, Vjacheslav V. Borisov wrote:


        I am trying to generate episode file for modular schema
        creation. using
        this config:






        However no matter where is place



        I am getting error about next extraarg, in my case it is

        Caused by:
        Unexpected option: -verbose

    Sergey Beryozkin

    Talend Community Coders

Sergey Beryozkin

Talend Community Coders

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