I was having a similar problem, but I resolved it a bit differently.

I don’t use Maven, but the way I resolved this was to enforce this behaviour on 
my Nexus repository. So, when I release from the CI server to the remote repo, 
bnd does not care. If the artefact already exists, it just doesn’t get uploaded.



> On Jun 23, 2017, at 4:23 PM, Tom Quarendon 
> <tom.quaren...@worldprogramming.com> wrote:
> I get immutable releases. I'm not trying to redefine what 1.0.0 is with 
> different source code. In fact quite the opposite. I want it to *prevent me 
> from doing do*. The maven bnd plugin doesn't
> It's the difference between:
>  "I'm trying to build something that the user wants to call 1.0.0. As part of 
> that process I'll check whether it conflicts with what is currently 1.0.0, 
> and if it does I'll fail, not actually creating the artefact at all, and 
> suggest that they change the version numbers appropriately."
> And
>  "I'm building something that the user wants to call 1.0.0. Once I've done 
> that, I'll take that and compare it with another version to see whether the 
> difference in version numbers, what the user has done to change the version 
> numbers between those two versions, is consistent with any changes in the 
> source code, and if not complain. The build artefact however will now exist". 
> I want the former. The maven bnd plugin appears to implement the latter. As 
> far as I understand, bndtools implements the former, I *can* implement the 
> former with bnd. It doesn't appear possible to implement the former with 
> maven due to the way it works.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Neil Bartlett [mailto:njbartl...@gmail.com] 
> Sent: 22 June 2017 18:52
> To: users@felix.apache.org
> Subject: Re: API baselining with maven-bundle-plugin
> Are you sure that you’re actually *releasing* every day? Or do you only mean 
> sending out snapshots?
> I agree with Justin that releases should be immutable, and that is what bnd 
> and Bndtools have always tried to achieve. However bnd is not a complete 
> end-to-end build system like Maven or Gradle, and Bndtools is only an IDE, so 
> we don’t get a lot of say in the larger process. You should work within the 
> conventions of whatever build tool you use.
> The process encouraged by bnd is very close to the Maven one. Once a release 
> is made, you must not change it. If you change a package after a release, 
> then you move up to a new version number for that package. You can then build 
> and publish as many snapshot of that new version number as you like, usually 
> with a timestamp in the qualifier segment of the version. Once you release, 
> that version is consumed and you go back to the beginning of this paragraph.
> Neil
>> On 22 Jun 2017, at 18:12, Tom Quarendon <tom.quaren...@worldprogramming.com> 
>> wrote:
>> The cadence is important I that if I want to "release" off the back of each 
>> build, I don't want to have to manually make a code modification every day, 
>> nor do I want to have the build process modify the source code, that just 
>> doesn't seem right.
>> I'm probably at odds with standard practice.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Justin Edelson [mailto:jus...@justinedelson.com]
>> Sent: 22 June 2017 17:40
>> To: users@felix.apache.org
>> Subject: Re: API baselining with maven-bundle-plugin
>> The cadence of releases is irrelevant. But each release must have a distinct 
>> (bundle) version number. Otherwise, the version loses any meaning since two 
>> copies of "version 1.0.0" are not necessarily the same.
>> If you only want to change the bundle version when you start changing 
>> the project, that's certainly a choice you can make. I find (and many 
>> others do
>> too) it easier to do this automatically at the time of release (i.e. set the 
>> master/trunk version to lastversion+1-SNAPSHOT) so that it doesn't get 
>> forgotten.
>> I can't speak to how bndtools work. I assume it must do some kind of 
>> automatic bundle version management since it would be inappropriate to have 
>> mutable releases.
>> On Thu, Jun 22, 2017 at 11:58 AM Tom Quarendon < 
>> tom.quaren...@worldprogramming.com> wrote:
>>> I perhaps have a different concept of how things work. But I'm not 
>>> very familiar with how maven works.
>>> Fundamentally, if I haven't changed any code, why have any of the 
>>> version numbers changed? I'm perhaps viewing things from a continuous 
>>> deployment perspective rather than a "release once a year" perspective.
>>> As far as I can tell with bndtools, version numbers are changed as, 
>>> and only as necessary.
>>> I check out the source code, and then as I change code, it prompts me 
>>> to change package and bundle versions appropriately.
>>> Hence after my edits, the package and version numbers of things I 
>>> haven't changed are the same as they were, which seems right to me.
>>> Things that I've changed have changed version package and bundle version 
>>> numbers.
>>> If I then do a "mvn deploy" (well, "gradle release") on the result, 
>>> then OK, the unchanged bundles will be re-released to the repository 
>>> (or maybe not, maybe maven/gradle doesn't replace a bundle with one 
>>> with the same version, don't know), but the contents are the same 
>>> (from a source perspective anyhow), so that doesn't matter.
>>> As I say, I don't have much experience of using maven etc, I was 
>>> confused that it worked in an apparently different way to bndtools, 
>>> which is based on the same thing.
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Justin Edelson [mailto:jus...@justinedelson.com]
>>> Sent: 22 June 2017 15:15
>>> To: users@felix.apache.org
>>> Subject: Re: API baselining with maven-bundle-plugin
>>> Hi,
>>> I think you might be mixing up the bundle version (what I think you 
>>> are referring to as the "project version") with the package versions.
>>> baseline is larger concerned with the latter, and only uses the 
>>> former to find the comparison version.
>>> Released versions should always be considered immutable, so you 
>>> should
>>> *always* change the project version immediately after a release. If 
>>> you use the maven-release-plugin, this is automatically done, but 
>>> otherwise you would need to do this manually.
>>> Here's the way it is supposed to work:
>>> * You have a bundle with version 1.0.0 and package com.myco.foo at 
>>> version 1.0.0. This bundle is deployed in some repository.
>>> * The current version of the bundle is now 1.0.1.SNAPSHOT (or 
>>> 1.0.1-SNAPSHOT in Maven terms).
>>> * You make some change to one of the classes/interfaces in com.myco.foo.
>>> * Then you run the baseline plugin. Baseline compares the current 
>>> state against the last release (so 1.0.1.SNAPSHOT vs. 1.0.0) and 
>>> checks each exported package. It sees that there has been some change 
>>> in com.myco.foo which requires that the package version change. It 
>>> then alerts you to this change and recommends a new package version 
>>> number. Alternatively, if you changed the exported package version, 
>>> baseline will still tell you that there was a change made but that 
>>> you have already correctly changed the package version number.
>>> HTH,
>>> Justin
>>> On Thu, Jun 22, 2017 at 10:02 AM Tom Quarendon < 
>>> tom.quaren...@worldprogramming.com> wrote:
>>>> I'm trying to set up api baselining using the maven-bundle-plugin.
>>>> I think I have it set up. I have messages coming out that say it's 
>>>> doing stuff. So that's good.
>>>> Forgive my confusion though, but I don't understand how it is 
>>>> supposed to work.
>>>> I have published a 1.0.0 version of my bundle to the repository.
>>>> I then make an incompatible change to the API, I get:
>>>> Unable to find a previous version of the project in the repository
>>>> If I manually change the version number in my pom to 1.0.1, I then 
>>>> get errors about my API having changed and it requiring a change in 
>>>> version number.
>>>> So I don't understand. I only get a baseline check once I've 
>>>> remembered to change the version number? Surely the point is to tell 
>>>> me that I *need* to change the version number? That's certainly the 
>>>> support you get in bndtools (being also based on bnd, same as the 
>>>> maven
>>> plugin).
>>>> Have I set it up correctly? Or is this how it's supposed to work?
>>>> In the configuration, it looks like the setting comparisonVersion is 
>>>> initialised to (,${project.version}) by default, presumably meaning 
>>>> "up to and not including ${project.version}".
>>>> Changing that to be (,${project.version}] makes it do a comparison, 
>>>> but produces no errors, presumably because it's comparing the bundle 
>>>> against itself. What I want it to do is compare against the current 
>>>> latest in the release repository.
>>>> So I'm confused. How do I make it tell me that I need to change my 
>>>> project version, without first changing my project version?
>>>> Thanks.
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