I am currently creating a 'Create a Mobile Application from scratch using
Uriana' tutorial that can be found at:


It is not complete still, but it may help you all to get an idea of how an
Uriana based mobile application looks like.

I hope to be finishing it this week or before tuesday, as I am leaving the
country for holidays and I won't be able to make any additions until June.

By the way, I would love to retrieve some feedback, comments or questions
from you guys, as they will all help me to improve the framework.

Thanks in advance.


2013/4/23 Carlos Velasco <carlos.velasco.bla...@gmail.com>

> I have updated the mobile library documentation so people could understand
> better the functionalities that are provided by the included mediators.
> I hope to begin adding tutorials and code examples in the following days.
> Unfortunately I will be out all May (holidays, :D), so I don't think I will
> be able to extend the Uriana capabilities in such a month, but I would love
> to leave some examples for you to begin playing with Uriana.
> By the way, If anyone would be interested in writting some library use
> examples I would help whatever I could and I think it would be a good
> testing experience for the framework and the best way to begin using it.
> Hope it all would help you guys!
> Cheers,
> Carlos.

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