From the Finder, if you click on the html file that was generated, does
the app run?

On 2/12/14 10:22 AM, "" <> wrote:

>Some additional info regarding using the debugger (not content debugger),
>If I type netstat -an while Flash Builder is trying to connect to the
>running application, I can see port 7935 status is LISTEN. When I stop
>Flash Builder by clicking the red square icon to stop the debugger, this
>port goes away. 
>Also, another experiment for debugger (not content debugger), if I
>uncheck "Generate HTML wrapper file" in the the Properties > Flex
>Compiler tab, then clean and compile, the application runs. But then
>checking it, cleaning and compiling, leads to the original 57% problem.
>Maybe that's another clue what's going on(?).
>----- Original Message -----
>Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2014 10:13:37 AM
>Subject: Re: new Mac machine, running Flex application sticks at 57%
>OK, I see the system doesn't respond to fdb, I need to type ./fdb
>When I type r then load the swf file, the fdb response is:
>Waiting for Player to connect
>Player connected; session starting.
>Set breakpoints and then type 'continue' to resume the session.
>(fdb) q 
>The program is running. Exit anyway? (y or n) y
>After I type y in the last line above, Flash Player Debugger opens a
>window with the application in it, where it appears the application has
>run (it's just a checkbox, centered in the window).
>I'm hoping that's a useful clue somehow.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Alex Harui" <>
>Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2014 9:56:07 AM
>Subject: Re: new Mac machine, running Flex application sticks at 57%
>Hmm. In my bin folder there is an fdb and other things like amxmlc,
>mxmlc, compc, etc.
>What is in your bin folder?
>On 2/12/14 9:50 AM, "" <>
>>Hi Alex, 
>>I download the content debugger, then double-click it. It doesn't really
>>do anything, other than open an icon in my Mac dock, which shows "Flash
>>Player Debugger" is open/running. I'm guessing this is expected.
>>Then I go to 
>>$ cd /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.8/sdks/NightlyBuild4.12/bin
>>$ fdb 
>>-base: fdb: command not found
>>$ run fdb 
>>-base: run: command not found
>>Did I do something wrong?
>>----- Original Message -----
>>From: "Alex Harui" <>
>>Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2014 9:23:43 AM
>>Subject: Re: new Mac machine, running Flex application sticks at 57%
>>Let's try a different angle.
>>1) Download the projector content debugger.
>>2) From the command line, go to the SDK's bin folder and run fdb
>>3) Type 'r' and hit enter
>>4) Use the projector content debugger to load the SWF.
>>The fdb debugger should stop execution of the SWF and display more
>>information and and a prompt. Or, if it also cannot connect, then it
>>just let the SWF run, or maybe something else will happen.
>>Report back on what happens.
>>On 2/12/14 8:09 AM, "" <>
>>>Thanks Mark, 
>>>If I ping from a terminal, I see:
>>>myMacbook:etc username$ ping localhost
>>>PING localhost ( 56 data bytes
>>>64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 time=0.044 ms
>>>64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 time=0.104 ms
>>>64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 time=0.067 ms
>>>64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 time=0.043 ms
>>>64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 time=0.077 ms
>>>64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 time=0.098 ms
>>>(I hit control-C)
>>>--- local host ping statistics ---
>>>6 packets transmitted, 6 packets received, 0.0% packet loss
>>>So this looks good. Thanks for the detailed explanation.
>>>----- Original Message -----
>>>From: "Mark Line" <>
>>>Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2014 8:03:24 AM
>>>Subject: RE: new Mac machine, running Flex application sticks at 57%
>>>The hosts file is a system wide configuration file. It's used for
>>>hostnames to ip addresses.
>>>I think you can have hosts file per network card as well.
>>>By default Flash builder attempts to debug via the loop back address eg
>>>You can test it via the command line or shell via ping localhost
>>>If its working correctly you should get something like:
>>>Microsoft Windows [Version 6.2.9200]
>>>(c) 2012 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
>>>C:\Users\Mark>ping localhost
>>>Pinging MarkLine [::1] with 32 bytes of data:
>>>Reply from ::1: time<1ms
>>>Reply from ::1: time<1ms
>>>Reply from ::1: time<1ms
>>>Reply from ::1: time<1ms
>>>Ping statistics for ::1:
>>>Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
>>>Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
>>>Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0ms
>>>(Sorry i'm currently at work and on a Windows pc, but it will be pretty
>>>much the same) 
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: []
>>>Sent: 12 February 2014 15:55
>>>Subject: Re: new Mac machine, running Flex application sticks at 57%
>>>Thanks for the tip Mark, I've seen this posted on Google but never knew
>>>how to set it. Could you give a little more detail? Is this a setting
>>>Flash Builder? Or is it a Mac OSX System Preferences setting?
>>>----- Original Message -----
>>>From: "Mark Line" <>
>>>Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2014 7:50:49 AM
>>>Subject: RE: new Mac machine, running Flex application sticks at 57%
>>>I'm not sure if you need this on OSX but could you tried making sure
>>>have localhost set up on in your hosts file correctly
>>>I'm assuming it¹s the same as most *nix in /etc/hosts
>>>Add the following line: localhost
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: []
>>>Sent: 12 February 2014 15:37
>>>Subject: Re: new Mac machine, running Flex application sticks at 57%
>>>Still haven't resolved this... let me simplify the discussion. Instead
>>>upgrading the OS as originally posted for this thread, I'm now using a
>>>new macbook OSX 10.9.1 machine with fresh install of FB 4.7, and SDK
>>>(nightly build). However, it produces the same results...
>>>When I run any program, it doesn't match which program (firefox,
>>>the progress panel shows "Launching Main (57%). Waiting to connect to
>>>running application..." After 2 minutes it times out with a popup that
>>>The Flash Builder debugger failed to connect to the running
>>>Ensure that: 
>>>1. For in-browser applications, you are running the debugger version of
>>>Flash Player. 
>>>2. For network debugging on a mobile device, you have a reliable
>>>connection to the device, and port 7935 is open on your machine's
>>>For example, the following application gives the above error:
>>><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
>>>ckbox-control-in-flex-gumbo/ --> <s:Application
>>>xmlns:mx="library://" minWidth="955"
>>><s:CheckBox id="checkBox"
>>>label="Spark CheckBox"
>>>verticalCenter="0" />
>>>Things I've done to troubleshoot:
>>>1. Verified debug version of Flash Player is installed.
>>>2. Verified my "Adobe Flash Builder 4.ini" and "Adobe Flash Builder
>>>4.7.ini" files contain switches -Xms512m, -Xmx1024m,
>>>3. Verified Main.html and Main.swf files are in the bin-debug
>>>4. disabled automatic rebuilds
>>>5. Note, there is no anti-virus installed
>>>6. Note, there's no connection to SVN or other repository
>>>7. cleaned project several times
>>>8. rebooted machine several times
>>>I *really* could use some help here. Where should I look next?
>>>(as an aside, I contacted Abode to purchase an individual per incident
>>>contract support but after many hours on the phone being on hold and
>>>transferred in circles between sales and support for 2 days, it appears
>>>no one in Adobe knows where to route me or how I can purchase an
>>>individual support contract for Adobe Flex Platform. Would be
>>>if anyone knows of a direct line or contact.)
>>>Thanks in advance.
>>>----- Original Message -----
>>>To: "apache flex users" <>
>>>Sent: Sunday, February 9, 2014 11:45:09 PM
>>>Subject: upgraded Mac OSX to Mavericks and application won't run
>>>Hi experts, 
>>>I'm using a nightly build from SDK 4.12 from a month ago, and FB 4.7. I
>>>just upgraded my Mac OSX from 10.6.8 (Snow Leopard) to 10.9.1
>>>Using the new OSX, when I rebuild the application then run it using
>>>Firefox with debug version of FB (I verified it is debug version by
>>>visiting a website showing me what version FP is running in the
>>>the progress panel shows "Launching Main (57%). Waiting to connect to
>>>running application..." After 2 minutes it times out with a popup that
>>>The Flash Builder debugger failed to connect to the running
>>>Ensure that: 
>>>1. For in-browser applications, you are running the debugger version of
>>>Flash Player. 
>>>2. For network debugging on a mobile device, you have a reliable
>>>connection to the device, and port 7935 is open on your machine's
>>>I've seen this error many times in the past, but I've always been able
>>>recover it by exiting the application and browser, rebooting the
>>>rebuilding, and running again. I've tried everything I can think of in
>>>the new OSX and nothing seems to change this. I verified the java
>>>is the correct version for OSX 10.9.1, and that Flash Builder's .ini
>>>for setting java heap size is sufficiently large (it's same settings
>>>by OSX 10.6.8). 
>>>A couple of other observations, if it helps...
>>>If I exit my web application, then start it again (still using 10.9.1),
>>>while it's trying to connect (e.g. before it times out), if I
>>>double-click the Main.html file in the bin-debug folder, the app runs
>>>fine but it runs inside a tab of Flash Builder 4.7 (as opposed to in
>>>Firefox browser).
>>>Also, before upgrading to OSX 10.9.1, I bought an external hard drive
>>>made a clone of the original hard drive when it was OSX 10.6.8. If I
>>>the computer using this clone, everything runs fine from OSX 10.6.8. If
>>>boot again using the (updated original) hard drive with OSX 10.9.1, I
>>>the error above.
>>>If I switch to Safari (instead of firefox, and try OSX 10.9.1), the
>>>application opens in a Safari browser window and runs, but as soon as I
>>>attempt to do an HTTP POST operation to the server, I get a fault with
>>>the following showing in the debugger:
>>>event :
>>>event.fault : mx.rpc.Fault
>>>event.fault.faultDetail="Error: [IOErrorEvent type="ioError"
>>>bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2, text="Error #2032: Stream
>>>Error. URL:";] .
>>>event.fault.faultString="HTTP request error"
>>>Would really appreciate any help, as I've run out of ideas what to try
>>>next. Thanks in advance.

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