On Thu, Feb 25, 2016 at 9:24 AM, Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com> wrote:

> On 2/25/16, 5:02 AM, "sta-ger" <pascaldel...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >The same accessibility as in the case of traditional Flash Player based
> >implementation of Flex. The conception is to make Canvas something like
> >Flash Player and implement all the application context at it's bounds.
> >
> Tom is correct that accessibility is one reason the current FlexJS
> components use DOM objects.  The Flash Player has its own accessibility
> implementation that is unavailable to use without Flash and the browsers
> have their own APIs that we will leverage to implement accessibility some
> day.
> But in the bigger picture, FlexJS is being designed to not have just one
> set of components like Flex did with Spark.  FlexJS wants to support many
> different kinds of component sets.  The one you see now is designed to use
> DOM objects not just for accessibility, but for minimizing the amount of
> code we have to write and support and your users have to download.  And in
> order to write such a set, we are trying to leverage what the runtimes can
> give us for free, like a Button, accessibility, mouse target management,
> keyboard focus management, etc.
> But right now I am working on a component set that more closely matches
> the MX and Spark component APIs in order to lower the migration effort.
> However, just to get UIComponent to cross-compile, I have had to drag in a
> ton of ActionScript to be cross-compiled to JS so I am expecting a
> significant download size for this component set, but if that's what
> people want to use, well, then they can.

How are you going to go about it? The advantage of drawing the components
yourself, rather than reuse DOM components is that the components look the
way you expect.

As far as accessibility it's much farther along than it used to be. In some
cases you can just add a set of wai-aria attributes.

> I am hopeful that someone will do what you want and write a component set
> that draws in Canvas.  Lizhi has something like that working using WebGL.
> I believe Josh is working on mapping Feathers to JS.
> So there is no need to really argue about which way is better.  I have
> picked one way that minimizes the amount of code we need to write and
> debug and download and run, but other ways are more than welcome.
> -Alex

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