
> ObjectProxy.getProperty --> 804 sec
> Garbarge Collection --> 198 sec

With a little work you should be able to make both of these zero.

> I wish there was a way to get rid of some of that ObjectProxy time. 

There is one way. Keep the original Object based array and use that for your 
calculations. (At the cost of extra memory). Once calculations are done replace 
the entire ObjectProxy array. While there are probably better more elegant 
solutions that should be simple to implement and try.

> I don't know how severe of a penalty it is that the data is inside of an 
> ObjectProxy.

The penalty is about 60% of you time from the numbers above. So if you remove 
it it's likely to run twice as fast (at a guess).

Are you also looking up the same property multiple times in those conditionals? 
If so then storing the result in a local variable may also help.

>  But I also don't understand how to use the bindable named class either.

Rather than use Objects to populate the array collection use instances of a 
(bindable) named data class. If you can post a few lines of code where you are 
populating the array collection Objects you should get an answer.


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