On 8/2/16, 9:07 AM, "bilbosax" <waspenc...@comcast.net> wrote:

>From what I have learned from this process, I think I am going to change
>logic in the loop a little. I no longer feel that the math functions are
>bottleneck near as much as getting data in and out of the arrays and
>comparing them. So I am going to flip flop the logic and see what happens.
>This is probably above my current pay grade, but I will ask about it out
>curiosity. I was reading about FlasCC. Would I see even more performance
>gains if I passed the data to a C++ function, perhaps as an ANE?

If you can get the data from AS to C++ efficiently, then I would expect
better performance in C++, but how much still depends on how well the JIT
compiler in Flash can optimize the inner loops.

I would also consider scalability:  If the number of items is growing at
900 per day, eventually you'll have billions of items to convert between
AS and C++ and that might become the bottleneck.  You still haven't
answered how you are able to run this loop without hitting the script
timeout, but you may want to build in some progress indicators for the
user now, and I think that can be a bit tricky when communicating with
ANEs and FlasCC.


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