>I feel a little foolish...
Sorry for this, there's no need to feel foolish!

> can these web-based API's deliver text as quickly and in as small of file
> sizes as AMF
AMF is probably faster but I think the question is if the better performance
of AMF is significant or relevant.
Do you've already checked your MySQL queries and do you've checked how long
MySQL needs to deliver the requested data? Maybe the database is your bottle

Assuming that all actors are perfectly optimized regarding performance, the
next question could be if it really makes sense to load this amount of data
to your app with just one request.

Regarding dependencies:
Please remember that ZendAMF is part of ZendFramework1 and it's not
supported anymore.
This is not a problem if it still works with PHP7 and if you are able to
adjust it to make it compatible with future versions if it doesn't work
anymore some day. Just keep it in mind!

If I remember it correctly you're using the FlashBuilder data-centric
development (I never used it).
This could be also a problem if FlashBuilder doesn't work anymore some day
for whatever reason.
FlashBuilder is also not supported anymore.

What I'd like to say is that there's no need to make your app dependent from
those things.
"The whole world" is going with JSON these days... I assume it would work
also for you ;-)

If you'd like to share your DB stuff to discuss some details.... just do it.


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