
I think people still using Apache Flex should take over this project and
make this kind of things happen.
I still believe in Flex for AIR projects, but I must say that currently my
focus is in Royale and that takes all of my time, and  I don't have any AIR
or Flex project out there now, so I'll not doing work for Apache Flex
project. I'm only interested in the BlazeDS part, and maybe we'll be
migrating to Royale to have it more near.

So others that still are using Flex should take over, and make that kind of
things happen. If you love Flex, things like the Android theme or any other
thing could happen if you make it real or recruit others to integrate PRs,
implement things or do releases.

That's the good and the bad of OS projects, you can't rely on others to
make it happen it depends on all of you still interested or using Flex :)


El dom., 13 sept. 2020 a las 17:42, leokan23 (<l...@best-web.gr>) escribió:

> Erik Thomas-3 wrote
> > 1.) It is very difficult to find skilled (or even interested in learning)
> > Flex developers anymore. I posted a job on this very forum six weeks ago
> > and received no interest from anyone wanting to go full-time as a
> Flex/AIR
> > remote developer, and our other recruiting channel also came up empty.
> This has been so true and it has been like this for years. I was always
> taking care of recruiting Flex guys, and I was not able to find new ones
> for
> years. Even the last hires 4-5 years ago, were junior devs who I trained in
> flex.
> Apart from that, my biggest concern / issue / realization is that Flex has
> not been actively developed for years. Last update was in 2017. Even when a
> fellow dev tried to donate his Android skin update, that never actually
> happened. It is true that as long as Harman doesn't make any change in AIR,
> Flex will be working more or less, but I dont see it gaining any more users
> as it looks abandoned.
> --
> Sent from: http://apache-flex-users.2333346.n4.nabble.com/

Carlos Rovira

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