You want to use the GeoExt.form.FormPanel

You may or may not need a ProxyHost configured in OpenLayers: 

Try to use this class and see if you can get WFS attribute filtering working.

With regards to exporting your map and grid, that really depends on what you 
are really trying to accomplish.
Do you want an snapshot of the map or grid?
Or Do you want to export the query and map extent so that the particular view 
can be recreated?

If you want a snapshot, do you want to simply print the grid or map?
Or do you want to actually export the data itself.

Matt Priour
Kestrel Computer Consulting

From: Philippe Rufin 
Sent: Friday, August 26, 2011 9:53 AM
Subject: [Users] Tutorial / Documentation for Query Panels in GeoExt?

Hi all!

I´m trying to build a webmapping application with GeoExt. What I want to do is 
to create a query panel in which I can define conditions which filter the data 
from a WFS. It should filter the data displayed in my map panel as well as my 
grid panel. Additionally, I want the user to be able to export query results as 
maps and tables. Anyone knows if that´s possible as well? Basically, I want to 
use the GeoExt QueryPanel 

Does any of you know how to create this or knows any nice tutorial? The OG 
workshop documents concerning WFS browsing, querying and SLD filtering ( ) look promising but I 
can´t really follow it, since the source code does not work anymore / on my 
machine / somehow. Anyone with experience in this issue? It seems like a common 
element to develop I think... Too bad, good documentation is missing.

It would be great to get help in this case, since the issue´s not heavily 
discussed on mailinglists or boards...



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