On 07/09/2011 07:12 PM, Zak McKracken wrote:
Am 09.07.2011, 20:40 Uhr, schrieb webmaster for Kracked Press Productions <webmas...@krackedpress.com>:>
My hosting company will not allow files larger than 700+ MB and the two DVD versions [3.3.3 and 3.4.1] of LibreOffice are over 3.4 GB in size. The account has not issues of having 100 GB of executable files online but if I have any ISO files, then they say that I am a repository and it is not allowed.

Hmm... what would happen if you put the ISOs into a zip container? :)

3.7 GB as an ISO
3.4 GB as a zipped file.

About putting it on the web somewhere: I've heard a lot of good things about Spideroak (https://spideroak.com/). They'll certainly have no problems with whatever you put on there. Although, if you want more than 2 GB, you'll need to pay 10$ a month. So that might not be what you're looking for. The other method is of course BitTorrent. But that's only going to be working well if enough people are downloading it at the same time.

Another question: What do you mean by "Libreoffice DVD"? The installers are just 217 and 188 MB large. So where do the other 3.1 GB come from?

Go to LibreOffice-NA.US for a complete answer to that question. The DVDs are browser based and they are on that testing portal for use. The DVDs are "offline" versions of what is on the testing portal.

LibreOffice North American Community DVD project has created this set of DVDs that has the install files, help packs, and language packs for US English, Great Britain English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Brazil Portuguese, and Hebrew. Also included on the DVD[s] are all the known .oxt dictionary files, many extensions, many templates and sample files, artwork, documentation, and other items that create a DVD that has almost everything a LibreOffice user might want or need.

Over time, the pages from the testing portal will be recreated on the CMS system

Hopefully the first version will be up and running [fully edited] by the end of August. That version will be 3.3.x Windows-Linux-Mac. On the testing portal, along with .iso files we have

Windows-only version
Windows-Linux-Mac version

Windows-only version
Windows-Linux-Mac version

It will take time to get all 4 versions re-created with the CMS system specs, and have those .iso files available to the user base. I want to have a place for the current .iso files till the new ones are available through the CMS system that Libreoffice.org has placed online for the different teams across the globe.

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