Am 03.10.2011 11:38, e-letter wrote:

By coincedence, was thinking about this whilst looking at the menu bar
'file'. There are 'save as' and 'export' options.

Wouldn't be better from a design perspective to use the 'save as'
option only for odf formats, and the option 'export' for non-odf (pdf,
png, html, etc.) formats?

The logic behind the current behaviour is this:
There are file types we can read and write, others we can only read and a third category we can only write.

R/W types appear in File>Open and in File>SaveAs. When you save any type to another type you continue working with the new file and every save will convert the document model to the respective file type.

Read-only types open read-only and for editing you have to save them under a different name with a different type using the save-as dialog or pushing the edit button. The latter options produces a new unsaved instance of the document you can work with until you save it in a writable format.

Write-Only types are always exported as a file copy snapshot. You keep on working with the editable document since the exported file format is not editable anyway.

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