After using the 3.4.4 version on a 64-bit Ubuntu 10.04 system, I came across an error.

The "Paste Special" option in Writer seems not to work. I have not tried it in the other modules, since I had not needed to use it for them before.

Yesterday was the first time I used that option since moving from 3.4.3 to 3.4.4. It did nothing. Using "Paste" worked, but I wanted to have the text inserted as unformatted. What I did was copy some info from a web site and pasted it into a document that would later be emailed. I did not want the HTML formatting to be there. I have done this many times with 3.4.3 and it worked fine, but 3.4.4 did not when I tried it.

I know that there is a 3.4.5 version out, but right now I am using 3.4.4 and if I found this issue, people I deal with might ask me about this issue. I have given out many 3.4.4 DVDs [not as many 3.4.3 though] so if there is an issue with Paste Special, on Windows and not just with the 64-bit .deb version, then I need to know about it.

SO, has any other users tried the Paste Special option in Writer?

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