On 02/05/2012 11:14 AM, Dan Lewis wrote:
On Sun, 2012-02-05 at 09:00 -0500, webmaster for Kracked Press
Productions wrote:
After using the 3.4.4 version on a 64-bit Ubuntu 10.04 system, I came
across an error.

The "Paste Special" option in Writer seems not to work.  I have not
tried it in the other modules, since I had not needed to use it for them

Yesterday was the first time I used that option since moving from 3.4.3
to 3.4.4.  It did nothing.  Using "Paste" worked, but I wanted to have
the text inserted as unformatted.  What I did was copy some info from a
web site and pasted it into a document that would later be emailed.  I
did not want the HTML formatting to be there.  I have done this many
times with 3.4.3 and it worked fine, but 3.4.4 did not when I tried it.

I know that there is a 3.4.5 version out, but right now I am using 3.4.4
and if I found this issue, people I deal with might ask me about this
issue.  I have given out many 3.4.4 DVDs [not as many 3.4.3 though] so
if there is an issue with Paste Special, on Windows and not just with
the 64-bit .deb version, then I need to know about it.

SO, has any other users tried the Paste Special option in Writer?

       This is something that I noticed some time ago using 3.4.4. from
the LO website. In my case, Control+Shift+V did not open the usual
dialog allowing me to select my preferred style to use for the pasted
material. One thing I thought peculiar was that clicking
Edit gave me a menu in which Paste was active but Paste Special was
grayed out. So, I have had the same experience.
       I must say that 3.4.5 from the LO website does not have this

I downloaded 3.4.4 from the LO download page.
I run 64-bit Ubuntu 10.04 LTS with GNOME 2.x as the desktop and have KDE installed as well.
I run a quad-core AMD Phenom system.

I had 3.4.3, on the system and installed 3.4.4 a few days/weeks after Nov 9th, which is the date I downloaded it.

The "Paste Special" is not grayed out, but neither clicking on the listing or using the keyboard short-cut works.

As far as I can remember, I do not remember using that option since I installed it. Actually I do not remember the last time I needed to use it. So it could have been an issue with 3.4.4 from the install or it could have crept up sometime after the install. Since I do not know when was the last time I needed to use that option, I could have after the 3.4.4 install, or not.

As for what happens
Nothing happens. It is like I did not click on a menu listing at all. No dialog box opens or text pasted. The standard "paste" option worked fine.

As for Writer specific, well I have not tried it with Calc. I did rename the ".libreoffice" folder to ".libreoffice--old" and opened Writer up. Well the first thing I noticed was it did not give me the "default" first-time use menus to give my name, and such. That was different for the last time I renamed the hidden folder. Actually this time it did bring up the dialog box.

So it must have been an issue with the ".libreoffice" hidden folder.

The question is why did it not bring up the menus that asked for my information like a clean install would do. As I said, the last time I renamed the folder, I got that set of menus. It do have to reinstall all my templates and extensions though.

So there still is a problem with 3.4.4 on my system.

Maybe I should just delete the current folder and install 3.4.5 now.

Debian has 3.4.5 on its repository now?
Ubuntu 10.04 seems to have 3.4.4 currently, I think.
I did not go to 11.04 or 11.10 since I do not like Unity.

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