Hi All

Two questions to throw into the pot today....

1) I'm running OO Base (3.3.0) as I can not get LO to open my Database of several years standing!! I use Java 1.6.21 and this speeded-up the use of the DB very well. I still however have one major problem. When I shut-down at night it takes several mins for the Base module to close. It seems to be writing everything back to the Hard Drive even if I have not made any changes and as I said it takes several mins to do this. (I have approx 2500 records with about 70 fields in each record and a maximum of 3 graphics in each - one plain small graphic and up to two thumbnail photos.
Anyone know the "magic Trick" to get round this??

2) There has been a lot of "chatter" on the Forum about an SQL Connector. I am interested to go this way but am not happy with SQL, (Don't like its owner!!).
What other connectors are available??

Thanks Guys as always - you are a wonderful source of information!!!

Ian Whitfield


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