On Tue, 2012-02-07 at 18:22 +0200, Ian Whitfield wrote:
> Hi All
> Two questions to throw into the pot today....
> 1) I'm running OO Base (3.3.0) as I can not get LO to open my Database 
> of several years standing!! I use Java 1.6.21 and this speeded-up the 
> use of the DB very well. I still however have one major problem. When I 
> shut-down at night it takes several mins for the Base module to close. 
> It seems to be writing everything back to the Hard Drive even if I have 
> not made any changes and as I said it takes several mins to do this. (I 
> have approx 2500 records with about 70 fields in each record and a 
> maximum of 3 graphics in each - one plain small graphic and up to two 
> thumbnail photos.
> Anyone know the "magic Trick" to get round this??
> 2) There has been a lot of "chatter" on the Forum about an SQL 
> Connector. I am interested to go this way but am not happy with SQL, 
> (Don't like its owner!!).
> What other connectors are available??
> Thanks Guys as always - you are a wonderful source of information!!!

Hi Ian,

One or maybe two quick things.

The embedded engine does not actually compact the data unless you ask it
to - so over time you can have quite a bit of wasted space, extra
records if you will marked as deleted, but in the database non the less.

Of course if you are already doing this disregard but if not:

Periodically you should perform the following.
When finished using the database, open the SQL window.
Menu [File>SQL]
In the command window enter:
You should, after a short while receive in the status field the message:
"1: Command successfully executed."
At that point close the file. [you must do so as the database engine is
indeed shutdown at this point]

This will reduce the size of the file on disk and the memory used at
run-time, and will increase performance on startup and shutdown.

Depending on how actively you edit that table this period can be once a
week or once every two weeks..can't say what is right for your specific

Secondly - backing up your database, external of the Base file.

You should consider periodically performing the following:
Open the SQL window again.
In the command window enter the command
SCRIPT '<some file name without a path>' 
[note the single quotes are required, the brackets are not of course.

This will generate a text file containing both your database scheme
(table/index definitions, etc] and standard SQL insert commands for all
the data in your table(s), located in the same directory as your ODB
file. This will include the graphic (blog) data as encoded text also
[NOTE] this does not include Query definitions/Forms/Reports, just the
database. Also it is a common practice to give these backup files the
descriptor .sql i.e. mydata02072012.sql

Doing this you are assured that you could reload the data to either a
new embedded Base file and or have the first step in migrating your data
to an external RDBMS.

So, you can not stop the 'write to disk' you mention on close, but the
first comment above should help reduce the time and the second is just
good precaution.

Anyway - I'll stop here for the moment.


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