On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 08:07:56PM +0100, Tom Davies wrote:

> You might find the graphic near the top of this link interesting
> http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/ReleasePlan

Thanks. Still a lot of v3.5.x versions to release left.

> Basically LibreOffice tends to have 2 branches being developed 
> alongside each other.  The later releases of a branch become more 
> stable and add fewer new features.  Each branch seems to become stable 
> by about .4, so 3.5.4 will hopefully be stable but by then there will 
> probably be a new branch, the 3.6.x packed full of new features.  So 
> it's always a question of whether you want to have greater stability 
> or more functionality, or have both installed alongside each other.

Ah, I will try v3.4 later. I tend to get the latest stable versions. Are 
there any bug reports about the Windows XP issues like my startup 

> I run a 32bit OS and programs even tho i have a 64bit processor.  The 
> first few times i tried 64bit OSes i found only small speed increases 
> but loads of additional problems and instabilities.  I'm really only a 
> point&click user so i went back to 32bit to make things easier.  That 
> was a good few years ago so i guess i really should try a 64bit OS 
> soon!  I thought LibreOffice only released 32bit versions? (which 
> should be fine on a 64bit OS) Regards from

I didn't even notice it was a 32-bit LO. I also don't even see a 64-bit 
one, but if it is worse than 32-bit then I don't want it. BTW, 32-bit 
v3.5.2 LO on my 64-bit W7 HPE worked fine so far. :)

Now, I just need to get it working on my old Windows XP Pro. SP3 

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