On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 07:56:58PM -0400, webmaster-Kracked_P_P wrote:
> I just remembered something with the last "clean install" for XP and
> LO.  This was for 3.4.1[or 3.4.2?] and XP.
> I had to install LO twice in a row, WITH NO uninstall in between.  I
> do not know why that happened, but it happened to me twice.  BUT,
> the last time I installed 3.4.4, or was it 3.4.5, on XP/pro I did
> not have any issues.  There was just something in the XP system[s] I
> was dealing with that had issues and not all of what was to be
> installed was installed properly.  The second install, which was a
> "repair" finished the install properly.  I do not know if it was a
> problem for XP or for LO or a combination of both, but the second
> install [without an uninstall] fixed the problem and it worked great
> from there on and the installing for the next version[s] worked
> fine.
> I really prefer people try the most stable version of LO, which
> currently is 3.4.6, before they go to the most cutting edge version,
> which currently is 3.5.2.

OK, why did LO's web site pick v3.5.2 on 
http://www.libreoffice.org/download/ then? 
http://www.libreoffice.org/download/?type=win-x86&lang=en-US says v3.5.2 
is recommened. I thought this was the stable latest version! Ugh.

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