On Tue, May 01, 2012 at 09:19:33AM -0400, webmaster-Kracked_P_P wrote:
> Try the install again.  If you do not uninstall it, you should get a
> repair option.  Take that option.  That worked for me when I had my
> XP installs crash on me.

I reran G:\test\LibreOffice 3.4 (4f600ba6) Installation Files\setup.exe 
since I already had it extracted/unpacked. So, I hope that's OK to save 
time. I ran its Repair. I reran Writer, same crash. I deleted my 
C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\Application Data\LibreOffice\ and 
reran it. Same results. LO hates my old XP Pro. SP3 machine. :(

> Also,
> The Application Data folder is a hidden one.  If you go to your
> folder options and allow for system and hidden folders to be viewed,
> then delete the LibreOffice folder in your user folder's Application
> Data folder, it should help.

I assume you mean C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\Application 
Data\LibreOffice\, then yes I did earlier.

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