Hi All

Been busy for a few days with my monthly Journal so had to put this problem on the 'Back-Burner'.

I have been using Base for a few years now and finally got fed up with all the crashes and lost data. So late last year - with a LOT of very appreciated help from the Forum - I managed to get MySQL working 100% with Base as the front end.

At the beginning of March I upgraded my OpSys to the latest version (PClinuxOS 2013.02) and my LibreOffice to I tried this first on a "Test Computer" I have here and all worked well, including MySQL!! So I upgraded my main machine.

I have everything working fine _EXCEPT_ for MySQL on this machine!! (Rather strange that one computer works and the other does not!! Both have Intel Motherboards and CPUs).

I seem to be at the stage that I can not get phpMyAdmin to run because of httpd, which I am unable to set to run at boot.

When I try to log in to phpMyAdmin I get the error "#1045 Cannot log in to the MySQL server"

I really need to "crack" this one urgently and I'm hoping Alex, Gervin, Dan, Heinz or some of our other MySQL/Base "Boffins" will be able to help me. As I said previously I posted this problem on the PCLOS Forum and one guy - "YouCanToo" - came back to me a few times but we were not able to crack it and he has no "disappeared"!!

This is what I did in setting up the system ...



   *MySQL*– Database. /(//now //Installs automatically)/


   *MyAdmin*- Database Manager. (*'**phpMyAdmin**'*through Synaptic)


   *MySQL **C**onnector.*- Download
   *'**mysql-connector-java-5.1.2**3.tar.gz**' *from the MySQL Download
   page,**un-tar it, then inLO go to Options -> Advanced. There you
   specify the directory into which you put the .jar-file of the
   connector in the 'Class Path' under 'Add Archives'.


   *mysqli Extension *download*'php-mysqli' *via Synaptic.

*_SET-UP STEPS_ ...*

*A **.*Check*my.cnf*file in /etc and comment out the line “skip networking” by putting a # at the front of it. Thisenables network (localhost) access.

*B. *Start*MyAdmin **- **(**For **F**irst-**T**ime **U**se**)*- STOP the MySQL Server in PCC and reset the MySQL root password. Enter the following lines in your terminal.


   Start the mysqld configuration *as SU*.

   mysqld --skip-grant-tables &


   Login to MySQL as root.

   mysql -u root mysql


   Replace YOURNEWPASSWORD with your new password!


Re-start MyAdmin in the PCC.

C. *Start*MyAdmin* as 'root' with your new password. ** *[_THIS IS WHEN I GET THE ERROR_**]*

Someone mentioned that there are other options to MyAdmin but do not know about these.

What are your suggestions for me to crack this one please.


Pretoria RSA

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