Le 12/03/2013 15:37, Tom Davies a écrit :

Hi Tom,

My quick, probably inaccurate guess is the connector.  Is the system 32 or 64bit?  
Clearly a Gnu&Linux.  Is the MySql on the same computer or on a separate server?

It has nothing to do with the connector. We are talking about the (in)correct setup of the combination :

- web server (apache or lighttpd ?) ;

- mysql server ;

- PDO or PDI or mysqli PHP and/or apache modules ;

- phpmyadmin (which is called "MyAdmin" in PCLinuxOS - a dumbass name change for no apparently good reason IMHO, but hey)

Ian has established that he can access his mysql server from the command line, so the daemon is running.

However, what he has not shown us, and the following is directed to you, Ian :

- is the apache daemon (web server) running - my guess is yes, if the phpmyadmin login page actually loads ?

- which modules are installed in the web server ?

- which PHP version and libraries (modules/plugins) are installed ?

The error message that Ian posted is well known, a cursory search on Google brings up :




just for starters.

Things to remember :

- phpmyadmin needs to have an id/pwd combo in order to be able to communicate with the mysql server. Usually, this is asked for by the post-installation scripts of the distrib you are using, but sometimes, this can go wrong, leading the user to think that phpmyadmin has been installed and configured successfully when in fact it has not. After all, the whole point of phpmyadmin is to be able to administer your mysql server via a web interface, so it generally requires extensive privileges at the mysql user account level ;

- the file "config.inc.php", which is required in order to be able to log into the mysql server from the php scripts. Sometimes, this file does not get copied, or configured correctly, resulting in the inability to log in - the most frequent reason is that this file contains wrong or absent information for a default pwd/id combo (hence the links above explaining this point);

- as Girvin mentioned, the my.cnf options have changed in more recent versions of mysql with regard to network access, both locally and remotely, meaning that even on a locally hosted mysql server instance, it can be necessary to change the my.cnf file in order to get access via TCP, even from a local IP address such as


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