Hi Regina

You've received some very good advice here, I'll just add my little bit. If you are using KDE with openSuSE, then you can also use a feature of KDE built in, called "Desktop Folders", similiar to Stardock's "Fences", and dare I say it here, Windows 8's new Metro/Modern desktop (Hmmm! a little humorous dig at MS, wonder where they got their Win8 layout from!!!!!). Basically it is where one can group similiar apps / workspace icons and so forth, so for instance you can group all of the LO icons in one fence, utilities in another fence and so on and so forth. But unlike a traditional folder on a desktop, these display their contents, sort of in an expanded folder, making the icons visible, but keeping order. And this is available with KDE on any distro, whether native to that distro or as an add-on such as Debian based distro's.

A quick history lesson on the two most common front end / GUI shells offered in Linux distro's, KDE (K Desktop Environment) and GNOME (GNU Network Object Model Environment as it was initially known as). KDE very popular due to similarity in layout and function to MS Windows, and GNOME popular with Apple O/S type users for function and layout. There are of course many other desktops as well.

Very useful, hope you find it's of use to you. As Tom iterated in another post, nice to offer you back something for all your help with LO to us.


Andrew Brown

On 10/08/2013 12:36 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
i knew someone would have a good answer for 2.  1 only changed in the latest 
release, i think, and i only heard about that on this list otherwise i'm not 
sure any of us would have known.  Well, a couple of people obviously.  Good to 
see another person with an excellent name had the answer for 2
Regards from
Tom too :)

From: Thomas Taylor <li...@comcast.net>
To: users@global.libreoffice.org
Sent: Friday, 9 August 2013, 19:19
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Installing 4.1 on OpenSuse

<snip />

I want to get an icon on the desktop, which launches the start center,
not a specific module. How do I get that?

Kind regards

Not sure  about what you mean by the "start center". In the lower left corner
of the screen (if you're using KDE) is a startup icon. You can start any
installed program from there. LO will be under "Office > Word Processors". OR
you can do like many of use and either put the icon on the desktop or in the
bottom panel.


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