On 08/13/2013 01:58 AM, Andrew Brown wrote:

This is just to reply to Jim's initial problem with the oooforum

Jim I am getting likewise no response to the web page, so similiar to
 other respondents, it seems to be down, or as indicated unstable.
This could be currently an unmaintained server, or one with a low
priority of whoever is supposed to maintain it, or the hosting co. is
not offering a good level of maintenance, but all supposition. It
trace routes fine from my country in an average of 300 to 400
milliseconds, so it is reachable, but the actual html or whatever
being used for the web page/s seems to be the problem.


Andrew Brown

Hi Andrew,

Thanks for checking. By now you have probably seen Tim's post where he gave me a link detailing how this same problem came up earlier. I sometimes run into problems because I normally refuse cookies. If a site doesn't work I can usually fix it by accepting cookies, this time that did not work, so I sought some help.

Regards, Jim

On 13/08/2013 08:32 AM, Dave Barton wrote:

Undoubtedly you post with the best of intentions, but please stop
jumping in with confusing misinformation.

There are two entirely separate forums:

1. http://www.oooforum.org The independent "unofficial" one Jim
was referring to. For reasons nobody has been able to explain,
their server is at best unreliable and frequently times out.

2. http://forum.openoffice.org/en/forum/ The "official" one Apache
inherited from OpenOffice.org which you are referencing.


Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :) I think it might perform better if you go to the link i
gave and do your search from inside their forums.  That way you
might dodge any links with domains that might have changed.
Outside of their forums search engines may still be giving old
links. Regards from Tom :)

________________________________ From: Tim Lloyd
<tim.ll...@gmx.com> To: Jim Byrnes <jf_byr...@comcast.net>;
"users@global.libreoffice.org" <users@global.libreoffice.org>
Sent: Tuesday, 13 August 2013, 4:16 Subject:
[libreoffice-users] Re: connecting to oooforum.org

Hi Jim,

I didn't realise this had cropped up before - pretty sad as I
logged the first message! I have attached a link to when this
was discussed back in February


BTW, link not working for me at present either


On 08/13/2013 01:09 PM, Jim Byrnes wrote:
On 08/12/2013 07:54 PM, Tim Lloyd wrote:

I don't really use that forum but if you can send the link
I will give it a go


On 08/13/2013 10:42 AM, Jim Byrnes wrote:
Is anyone else having trouble connecting to oooforum.org
or is just me?

Been doing a lot of googling trying to figure out how to
write some python macros in LO calc and many links lead
to posts on oooforum.org. Lately everytime I try one it
times out.

Regards,  Jim

I don't use it either, this is a link to an archived post.


Thanks,  Jim

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