Am 14.08.2013 18:39, schrieb Dave Barton:
> Andrew Douglas Pitonyak wrote:
>> On 08/13/2013 02:32 AM, Dave Barton wrote:
>>> 1. The independent "unofficial" one Jim was
>>> referring to. For reasons nobody has been able to explain, their server
>>> is at best unreliable and frequently times out.
>> oooforum was setup and is controlled by a single very busy person with
>> no help from anyone else in any way. So, it uses resources available to
>> this person and is maintained by this person. The other forum is
>> maintained by a group of volunteers so there are more people to fix it.

so this looks to me like people have contributed to a site which took
their knowledge but later did (or does) not present it back to the
public in a satisfactory way.

Two thoughts:

1 - Does the owner sufficently understand the public need for high
availability of the forum's content?

2 - How is the forum's content licenced?


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