Hi :)  
I guess that is 1 good argument for keeping posts on-list.  I really thought 
they were both the same thing.  I thought pretty much all the community stuff 
had been forced to escape from Oracle and ended up here or as genuinely 3rd 
party stand-alone projects.  

Thanks for correcting me there! :)
Regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: Dave Barton <d...@tasit.net>
>To: users@global.libreoffice.org 
>Sent: Tuesday, 13 August 2013, 7:32
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: connecting to oooforum.org
>Undoubtedly you post with the best of intentions, but please stop
>jumping in with confusing misinformation.
>There are two entirely separate forums:
>1. http://www.oooforum.org The independent "unofficial" one Jim was
>referring to. For reasons nobody has been able to explain, their server
>is at best unreliable and frequently times out.
>2. http://forum.openoffice.org/en/forum/ The "official" one Apache
>inherited from OpenOffice.org which you are referencing.
>Tom Davies wrote:
>> Hi :)
>> I think it might perform better if you go to the link i gave and do your 
>> search from inside their forums.  That way you might dodge any links with 
>> domains that might have changed.  Outside of their forums search engines may 
>> still be giving old links.  
>> Regards from 
>> Tom :)  
>>> ________________________________
>>> From: Tim Lloyd <tim.ll...@gmx.com>
>>> To: Jim Byrnes <jf_byr...@comcast.net>; "users@global.libreoffice.org" 
>>> <users@global.libreoffice.org> 
>>> Sent: Tuesday, 13 August 2013, 4:16
>>> Subject: [libreoffice-users] Re: connecting to oooforum.org
>>> Hi Jim,
>>> I didn't realise this had cropped up before - pretty sad as I logged the 
>>> first message! I have attached a link to when this was discussed back in 
>>> February
>>> http://nabble.documentfoundation.org/oooforum-org-td4039871.html#a4040074
>>> BTW, link not working for me at present either
>>> Cheers
>>> On 08/13/2013 01:09 PM, Jim Byrnes wrote:
>>>> On 08/12/2013 07:54 PM, Tim Lloyd wrote:
>>>>> Jim,
>>>>> I don't really use that forum but if you can send the link I will give
>>>>> it a go
>>>>> Cheers
>>>>> On 08/13/2013 10:42 AM, Jim Byrnes wrote:
>>>>>> Is anyone else having trouble connecting to oooforum.org or is just me?
>>>>>> Been doing a lot of googling trying to figure out how to write some
>>>>>> python macros in LO calc and many links lead to posts on oooforum.org.
>>>>>> Lately everytime I try one it times out.
>>>>>> Regards,  Jim
>>>> I don't use it either, this is a link to an archived post.
>>>> http://www.oooforum.org/forum/viewtopic.phtml?p=56015#56015
>>>> Thanks,  Jim
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