On 05/13/2014 11:25 AM, Virgil Arrington wrote:

On 05/13/2014 10:16 AM, Tom Davies wrote:

I think it is helping because it helps us understand what kind of level of expertise we can expect from certain posters. So when i try to answer questions about Calc, or Base there are clearly limits on how much i understand or have stumbled through myself.

That was part of my thought process in asking the question. In the past, for example, we have discussed the relative merits of paragraph styles. Some of us love them; some of us hate them. My (totally unscientific) guess is that styles lovers will tend to be primarily Writer users and styles haters will tend to be primarily Calc users (or Base, but it seems that *nobody* primarily uses Base).
Actually, no one has yet to respond that primarily uses Base. You would probably say that I don't either considering the amount of time that I use Writer. Yet, my primary use of LibreOffice is writing what should become the future Base Guide. I am also experimenting with Base to see all of the things that it can do. Then there are the personal uses I have for Base. The purpose of a database is to store data and then access or manipulate the date to obtain information that is needed. Just some of the databases that I use includes Bible study, schedules, grocery lists, medical tests, financial (income and expenses), calories consumed (amount by food type, record of the over a period of time), and utility consumption including statistics about it. the queries in these databases can reveal quite a bit of information.


If I know that a user is a 95% Calc user, then it will do me little good to try to convince them to set up a bunch of Writer paragraph styles. They don't have time for that, just like I don't have time to learn the power moves of Calc--I just don't use it enough to justify that type of investment.

So, as we discuss various topics, it will helpful (at least for me) to know that awe for the power of Writer may not be shared by one who emphasizes Calc.

It also underscores for me the immensity of our office suite. To make it do wonderful things, we must learn it, but it's like trying to comprehend the universe. I doubt that any single human being truly understands it, which is why a list like this is so helpful (aspergers, OCD and all).


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