
Good morning.

I bothered to comment at all about this for a three reasons.

First, I have a long standing serious interest inductive logic - as you know, this is the logic upon which all scientific endeavor depends. Not a "fun" topic for me, but a vitally serious and important one.

Second, I see an enormous number of these "opt-in" surveys - commercial enterprises and websites are doing them all the time. People participate as if something meaningful is happening. But it isn't. One ends up with data that has no known or identifiable relationship to any population of interest. It's all a big ruse. It APPEARS as if someone is seriously ignorant about what they're doing. OR, these efforts are a disingenuous attempt merely to induce customer involvement in an activity that brings them into contact with "the brand".

Third, as a cultural anthropologist (my first serious intellectual commitment, before clinical psychology), I'm keenly aware that there is a base of cultural knowledge in all societies. In the 16th and 17th century, that knowledge included the fact that witches were real and that at times they constituted a genuine threat to society. In our own time, respect for expertise, science, and real knowledge is such that all major potential presidential candidates for one of our two political parties are busy either disavowing the reality of rapid climate change or that it has anything to do with human activity. Scientists be damned - full speed ahead. God wants profits, not sustainable economies!

That last one scares me half out of my mind. My species may not have what it takes to survive in the long run.

So, it appears that one of my principal roles in this world is to be an educator, whenever and where I can.

I don't think Virgil is doing this "for fun". I don't think the respondents think their responses are meaningless. Seriously now: who in their right mind is interested in the practices of those who bother to respond to this would-be survey? What possible importance can be attached, at all, to their responses? I don't get it. If there isn't some degree of belief that this matters (which is cannot, as I've previously explained), what's the point?

So, I am induced to think that they really DO belief that this has significance, and so I posted what I did.

That's what's behind my post, for what it's worth.

I could be completely cynical and just shake my head and move on. I choose not to.

About other matters, I'll respond, next, now that I'm up and half way through my first cup of coffee!


On 05/13/2014 05:48 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
It's just a "just for fun" survey of what people think they use.

The modules can't be split up and removing any wouldn't reduce the code=base by much at all so the usual sinister hidden-agendas behind this sort of question are entirely absent. It's just for fun.

For a lot of us this sort of thing is very difficult because answering would require us have really measured usage and give accurate answers rather than guesses. It's the type of question that neurotypicals and mainstream-press articles seem to enjoy but that are ultimately fairly pointless. It's just for fun and it's interesting to see people's estimates of what they do and to see how they handle giving answers to this sort of thing.

If we wanted a formal vote then there are various tools such as "Survey Monkey", or we could set-up something in LinuxQuestions.Org" or "Ask LO" or somewhere.
Regards from
Tom :)

On 13 May 2014 06:06, Tom Cloyd < <>> wrote:

    On 05/11/2014 03:53 PM, Virgil Arrington wrote:

        I'm curious to find out what components of LO are used most by the
        people on this list. I think it helps to know different folks'
        area of
        experience. It might also help us in learning new ways to
        the different components. For myself, my approximate usage is:

        Writer     (85% of my use of LO)
        Calc        (10%)
        Impress  (3%, Maybe four to five presentations a year)
        Base       (once a year to print out labels for my Christmas
        Draw      (What's that?)



    I have a considerable background in inferential statistics, and
    have done formal survey research, in a variety of social and
    cultural contexts. I want to warn you that this sort of
    self-select, opt-in survey is NOT the way to go, if your question
    is serious.

    You ARE only going to get a subset (sample) of your population of
    interest, and you'll have no way to relate that subset to the
    population, thus no way to draw any valid conclusions from the
    subset. It's pseudo-research, which creates the impression of
    creating knowledge without actually doing so.

    Just something for you, and others, to think about.

    Hope it's helpful.



    Tom Cloyd, MS MA (LMHC, WA State)
    Cedar City / St. George, UT, U.S.A: (435) 272-3332
    * << <> >> (email) << >> (website)
    * Sleight of Mind blog: (mental health issues)
    * Founder: Google+ Trauma and Dissociation Education and Advocacy

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Tom Cloyd, MS MA (LMHC, WA State)
Cedar City / St. George, UT, U.S.A: (435) 272-3332
* <<  >> (email) << >> (website)
* Sleight of Mind blog: (mental health issues)
* Founder: Google+ Trauma and Dissociation Education and Advocacy community

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