The company I used to work for manufactured mass spectrometers and we used PDP 
11s with software written in PASCAL to control the instruments and gather and 
present the data they generated. The biggest pain in the neck was having to use 
overlays to swap parts of the program code into and out of memory as required. 
These days, that sort of thing happens quite transparently, and unless you're 
into writing operating systems, it's not the sort of thing you're likely to 
come across.
       From: Tom Davies <>
 To: Tim---Kracked_P_P---webmaster <>; Gary Collins 
Cc: "" <> 
 Sent: Wednesday, 22 July 2015, 5:19
 Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] [OT] Operating Environment Survey
Hi :)  
PDP11s look interesting!  

A short article that claims the default OS was Multics;
but that many put Unix on it.  Wikipedia gives a great long list of OSes that 
ran on or could run on PDP11s;

As you can see in the url below Nuclear Power Plants are apparently still using 
and plan to continue using PDP11's until 2050 !

Regards from 
Tom :)  

On 22 July 2015 at 03:21, Tim---Kracked_P_P---webmaster 
<> wrote:

My first real computer job was data entry typing punched cards for an IBM 

Then I started working at several colleges with those "ghastly" PDP/11 systems. 
 One was the core for a large computer center with large tape units, and one 
was just a stand alone system with a drive platter and all of those dump 
terminals.  That "stand alone" PDP/11 system is where I had to write/code/etc. 
a full general ledger accounting system using COBOL.  Have you even tried to 
write a data entry system for an accounting system, so people could not type in 
the wrong info/data - like Feb 29th for a non-leap year or an account number 
that is not created, or other values that are not within the proper any of the 
data ranges. That was 3 time the coding size than all of the rest of the 
system, including the account query/search system and report generating systems.

Yes, I remember those data cassette tape drive computers, before you could 
afford a dual floppy IBM PC/AT/XT clone.  Then there were those 10 MEG hard 

I saw the introduction of the PC based
Hard Drive
CD ROM drive, then burner

Real Graphics above 640 by 480

I saw the introduction of the Bulletin board system that was interconnected so 
you had a primitive email address - mine was almost 80 characters long.

I saw the start of the WWW part of the Internet, which is what is now "THE 
Internet", since most of the other parts [terminal based mostly] have either 
"died" or been converted to use a browser.  Of course there are still parts 
that run via the terminal which I still use from time to time - mostly local to 
server communications.

The domain I use for this email address - I own -  was first created in the 
early '90, when you only had 14.4 dialup for most areas of the US, and has gone 
from one domain service to another, and my hosting service from one to another, 
till I finally settled on the one[s] I have been using for many years now.

Yes I have seen the wireless phone go from the "big brick" technology through 
to the introduction of the smart phone technology.  I now use a LG base model 
Android phone, since I do not need all of the wow-wee stuff.  I do not need to 
use it for my every "computer" need, like some are touted.

I have bought 3 Android tablets over the years.  I still use 2 of them.  And 
no, I do not like the hype of not needing a larger system - laptop or desktop - 
since a Android, IOSx, or MS OS claims it will do everything you will need.  My 
desktop I am typing this from is an old 4 core running Linux Mint 16 with 4 
hard drives internal, 1 OS and 3 data drives - adding up to 6.25 TB - with 3 
external 2 TB drives for backup.  I use to have 4 backup, till an internal 2TB 
drive failed and I needed my spare to replace it.

I really wonder how you could get a tablet to have 6 TB of data storage.  I 
also like to see these tablets find printer drivers to run the USB or network 
printing.  I have enough trouble tryng to find a working Linux [.deb] printer 
driver for my newer printers, and I have not been able to get any of my android 
tablets to access any of my colored printers - just a "older" HP laser printer. 
 I now look for Linux drivers BEFORE I decide to buy the printers.

I have gone from punched card data entry to web-based data entry screens.
I have gone from cassette tapes, through to floppies, internal/external hard 
drives, USB flash drives and SD cards.
I have seen mainframe computers the size of a bedroom, down to a refrigerator.
I have seen the IBM PC come out to the modern 4/6/8/16 core desktops.
I have use "portable" computers that were 30+ pounds down to the ultra thing, 
ultra light multi-core tablets.

I have "retired" from the "computer field" - as they use to call it - after 3 
computer related degrees and many computer related jobs.
Then I had to get "permanently and 100% disabled" working as a substitute 
teacher by a student who should have been locked up in a mental ward.

On 07/21/2015 07:15 AM, Gary Collins wrote:

            On 07/18/2015 09:25 PM, James E Lang wrote:

The big discussion of Linux over the past 24+ hours has me wondering: What 
operating environment(s) do other members of this list use at home and at work? 
What factors influence the choice?

My first home computer was a BBC micro (anyone remember those?) That was back 
in the days when programming had to be really tight, only had 32Kb (yes, Kb) of 
RAM; long term storage was all external on cassette tapes, eventually upgraded 
to floppy disk drive (and the disks really were floppy). I've still got that 
computer and AFAIK it still works!
My next machine was Acorn Archimedes, followed by RISC PC. It's a great shame 
that the marketing for those machines was so poor, leading to collapse of the 
company. The ARM chips had a great architecture and instruction set.
After that, I got my first laptop, a Sony Vaio running windows XP. When I 
upgraded, which I was forced to do due to a machine failure, I got a laptop 
running Windows 7 - which is still my current machine. A better Windows, once 
I'd got used to it, but it had a real downer - couldn't get driver for my 
flatbed scanner - Canon didn't produce one.
At work, in my first job I used a computer called a PDP 11 (ghastly thing); 
can't remember what the OS was called.
In my second job I think we started off with some sort of mainframe, the 
details of which are hazy now. Later we migrated to Sun Spark workstations.
In my last real job, used PCs running windows, I think it was XP at that time.
Now in my office based voluntary work I use PCs with Windows 7. Did have a play 
with Win 8 on a laptop, but hated it. It might be OK for tablets, I don't know, 
but it was horrible to use with normal PC input devices.
I have thought about upgrading to Linux but have never got around to it. This 
is mainly because of familiarity with certain software packages, especially 
Photoshop. I know there is GIMP for Linux, but it's not a patch - for one 
thing, it doesn't have the concept of adjustment layers; and that means that 
all my working files, which tend to be saved as TIFF with layer compression, 
can't be properly loaded and edited in GIMP.I also make use of a video editor 
(not free but fairly inexpensive) which can edit MPEG2 files without reencoding 
unchanged parts of the video, which makes it quite fast and doesn't lose 
quality. Something like that probably does exist for Linux but I haven't got 
around to looking, and familiarity is a big part of the story.Another thing is 
the convenience of plug and play when it comes to hardware - I don't think I've 
ever had to manually load a driver, everything seems to work "out of the box" 
and that's a very good thing, saves a lot of time and effort. I'm not sure what 
Linux is like in that respect, as I've had no experience.
On my phone I have android and I tend to get on reasonably well with that.
I'm not sure what I will do if I ever need to change computer again.

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