Am 24.07.2015 um 15:31 schrieb Tom Williams:
> Question:  in what ways does LO Writer "fail" at editing or creating
> "complex documents"?

Take some letter that had been edited by a dozend of editors because
nobody ever learned about templates. One opens the letter document,
clears the text body pastes some other document's text body, selects
here, adds bold, selects there removes underlining, adds several new
lines and so on and on.
After a dozend editing cycles the document has one or two pages with
hundreds of different text snippets, some of them just one character
wide with another font pasted from somewhere, other snippets are blank
paragraphs with all kinds of attributes.
In most MS Word documents I have seen I never know how the text will
look like when I put the cursor at some position and start typing.

A professional letter is formatted by a page setup (page style in ODF)
with 5 or 6 paragraph styles and some fields for sender info and date.
All this is stored in a template.
When you create a new document from the well prepared template, you
write the address or fill up address fields from a data source. Then you
type the message body, save and print.
Any pasted content is pasted as plain, unformatted text into the
preformatted sections.
May be you add some underlining or emphasis by means of character styles
or hard formatting but the next document starts again with a page setup,
5 or 6 paragraph styles and fields for sender info and date.


On the OpenOffice forum we have many uploaded spreadsheet documents. I
have a Python tool to analyse the collection of differently formatted
cell ranges. Most colorful Excel sheets are stuffed with one or two
hundreds of different formatting combinations where a dozend of cell
styles would suffice to get a much cleaner formatting which could be
modified with a few clicks. Just open the content.xml of such documents
that used to be a typical Word/Excel document in a former life. If
content.xml refers to hundreds of different style definitions, you see
what I mean.

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