Maybe someone would be so kind as to explain the difference between
.ODT & .OTT;
          when is the latter used & how does it differ?

From: Dan Lewis <>
Date: Fri, Jul 24, 2015 at 10:05 AM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Question about LO Writer and "complex

On 07/24/2015 09:31 AM, Tom Williams wrote:

 Greetings!  With all of the recent discussion about Linux being a viable
> alternative to Windows, in today's computing world, I've read many
> comments about whether or not LibreOffice is a good alternative to MS
> Office.  Some say yes, others say no.   One common comment made by those
> who say no is Writer isn't good for "complex documents".  For "basic"
> word processing, it's fine.
> Question:  in what ways does LO Writer "fail" at editing or creating
> "complex documents"?
> Does anyone here have any experience with LO Writer and "complex
> documents"?  If so, what has your experience been (either good or bad)?
> I know I haven't actually defined "complex documents" but I haven't seen
> any definition of that in any of the comments I've read either.  So,
> I'll leave the definition up to whatever you would consider a "complex
> document".  :)
> I've submitted on LO Writer bug where Writer didn't handle Word
> documents with pages with different page orientations well.  I was
> helping a friend with a term paper and most of the paper was in portrait
> orientation, but a few pages were in landscape.  LO Writer treated the
> entire document as either portrait or landscape but couldn't handle the
> mixture of both. I think that's been fixed, since I reported the bug.
> That's been about my only experience with a "complex document".
> Thanks!
> Peace...
> "The other" Tom

     Is the problem with Complex documents really about the complexity, or
is it about using LO and ?Word on a complex document?
     I have been working with ODF Authors to create documentation for and then LibreOffice. I consider these document to be


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