Under my version of LO (under Linux Mint 17.2 32 bit) I still have
the choice between LO's dialogues and the system dialogues.


On 10 October 2015 at 09:59, Mike Scott <v...@scottsonline.org.uk> wrote:

> On 09/10/15 20:24, libreoffice-ml.mbou...@spamgourmet.com wrote:
>> Mike Scott wrote:
>>> On 09/10/15 12:43, Malcolm Moore wrote:
>>> ...
>>>> This is outstandingly horrible !
>>> Yes.
>>> My summary for anyone in the same boat suffering from brain failure at
>>>> the end of the week:
>>> .....
>>> It will then work for the duration of the session as A3 and Landscape
>>>> are now selected ( but greyed out again )
>>>> Once you save it and open it again you have to start from the beginning.
>>> Not correct AFAICS. Unfortunately, changing print properties doesn't
>>> seem to mark the file as needs-to-be-saved, so ^S does nothing (and
>>> File|Save is greyed out).
>> That depends on the settings:
>> - Tools > Options > LibreOffice > General > Printing sets "document
>> modified" status
>> and:
>> - Tools > Options > LibreOffice > General > Allow to save document even
>> when the document is not modified
>> Tools > Options > Load/Save > General > Load printer settings with the
>> document probably also affects whether previously saved printer settings
>> are actually used next time the document is opened.
>> Mark.
> Hmmm.
> I think the problem here is one of obscurity. Too many options spread over
> too many dialogues/tabs all affecting results, no obvious way to find
> what's happening unless you "just know" to look there, and the help file
> isn't very helpful.
> There's even inconsistency between programs. Try the following in each of
> Writer and Impress. Create a new document and save it. Change the printer
> via File|Print setting. Now look at menu choice File|Save. In Impress, it's
> greyed out. In Writer, it's available.
> (Both options you mention above are unset in my system, btw.)
> To add more annoyance, as part of trying to get my own brochure issue
> sorted, I upgraded to A minor upgrade, yet it's changed the file
> load/save dialogues to LO's own. The option to revert to (my preference)
> the system dialogues has apparently gone. The information at
> https://help.libreoffice.org/Common/Opening_Documents#System_File_Dialogs_or_LibreOffice_Dialogs
> is clearly now wrong. It's not helpful to do this to the poor user!!!
> --
> Mike Scott (unet2 <at> [deletethis] scottsonline.org.uk)
> Harlow Essex England
> --
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