On 10/10/15 14:30, Graham Luffrum wrote:
Under my version of LO (under Linux Mint 17.2 32 bit) I still have
the choice between LO's dialogues and the system dialogues.
Curious. I've got "Version:
Build ID: 00m0(Build:2)
Locale: en-GB (en_GB.UTF-8)"
running on Qiana 64 bit.

I used to have system-style dialogues set; since upgrading from (iirc) 5.0.1.x it's switched itself to LO dialogues.

At help.libreoffice.org/Common/Open_1, I'm told
"To activate the LibreOffice Open and Save dialog boxes, choose Tools - Options - LibreOffice- General, and then select the Use LibreOffice dialogs in the Open/Save dialogs area" which roughly corresponds with my recollection about how I switched away from LO dialogues in the first place.

The problem I have, is that that tab (nor any other) simply does not have that setting available on it. I see only areas labelled "Load", "Save" and "Default File Format and ODF Settings" each with a number of checkboxes. Nothing anywhere to restore my preferred dialogue box style.

Anyone any idea how to switch back please?

Mike Scott (unet2 <at> [deletethis] scottsonline.org.uk)
Harlow Essex England

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