Hi folks,

I'm hands-on with a shiny new cluster running Univa's 8.0.1 release and am having some issues running jobs as a non-root user via an account that lives in Active Directory.

The cluster is the standard sort of RHEL 5.7 based system but we are using Centrify and in particular the Centrify NIS-gateway-to-ActiveDirectory to service the cluster nodes without having to license centrify on all nodes in the cluster.

The user errors I see are familiar ones:

"can't get password entry for user "x". Either user does not exist or NIS error!"

The confusing thing is that I can SSH into compute nodes as the same user and both password logins and passwordless SSH work perfectly. It's only when running under SGE that the jobs fail.

If I had to guess I'd wonder first if SSHD was using Linux /etc/pam.d/ in a way that "works" while SGE is accessing PAM in some way that we have not configured properly yet. That's only a guess though.

Does anyone have examples of SGE running via NIS authentication or via Centrify? Any examples of PAM configuration that were needed to get NIS users recognized under SGE?



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